CBD Dosing For Beginners


So, you’re thinking about trying CBD, but, like most people, you don’t know where to start. CBD dosing is one of the most difficult parts of the journey to wellness because it requires patience. For beginners, the process can take weeks or even a few months. However, the results are worth the wait. Sleepless nights, stubborn pain, and endless anxiety can all be a thing of the past!


Discovering Cannabidiol

In the 1940s, CBD was first discovered by Roger Adams through the chemical separation of cannabis. Although cannabis is made up of over 100 cannabinoids, CBD in its purest form is considered to be safe and non-psychoactive. Since then, hundreds of in-depth studies have allowed CBD to be seen as a great medicine for certain medical conditions. 


How CBD Works: The Brain and Body

Human bodies process CBD (cannabidiol), hemp, and other cannabinoids through the body’s endocannabinoid system. Everyone produces endocannabinoids, even if you don’t use any cannabis products. This system regulates many bodily functions, including sleep, appetite, memory, mood, and fertility. If you take cannabinoids, your body can use them to optimize your system, the same way your endocannabinoids would.

CBD has been studied in recent decades as a potential solution for many health problems. This can include physical problems, like arthritis, cancer treatment, insomnia, epilepsy, or persistent pain, as well as mood disorders like anxiety and depression. If you suffer from one of those problems, you may be asking yourself: how do I find the right CBD dose for me?


How CBD Feels: The Correct Dosing For You

CBD dosing is simple. Start with the lowest possible dose available in the edibles you want to try. This could be as low as 5mg-10mg per piece. It is recommended to begin at the lowest dose possible, especially for first-time users. 

First, the key is consistency. Take the same low dose every day for at least a week. Then, if this does not help your symptoms to the degree you’re looking for, increase your dosing by 5mg-10mg increments every week. Once you find that it satisfactorily alleviates your problem, do not dose any higher. Your ideal dose is the lowest dose that helps you sufficiently. At a certain point, any higher dose will not have any further effect.

♦ Interested in high-quality CBD edibles and merchandise? Check out the FGE shop and FGE Etsy Store

Although CBD can be given as a supplement, each person must be aware that even supplements can be overdosed on. Too much of anything is dangerous, so caution is always advised on how much and how often you choose to take CBD. For any uncertainty, don’t be afraid to ask a medically-certified doctor for their assistance.


Where to Buy CBD Edibles

Feel Good Edibles carries a variety of gummy options, and CBD dosing is easy with our product because it’s lab-tested and clearly labeled. You can be sure you’re getting the right dose- it’s right there on the bottle! You can begin the process of discovering your ideal CBD dose by checking out our inventory here. Happy dosing!


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