CBD for Seniors


The human body, from the moment a person is born, is weighed down by gravity, time, and worry. Seniors, more than most, have issues that may seem harder and harder to ease. And, by the time a person gets to an “old age,” some things aren’t working as well as they used to. Pain is more prevalent and more challenging to manage. But, thankfully, pain management drugs and medicines may help with such struggles. Some are prescription, others are home remedies, but what about the in-between? Take CBD for instance.

♦ Interested in high-quality CBD edibles and merchandise? Check out the FGE shop and FGE Etsy Store 

CBD is, unlike THC, a non-psychoactive drug making it the perfect gift for seniors. Without the worry of psychological side effects, CBD is almost certainly the safer choice. Plus, CBD is far more accessible to find and purchase than THC, as it can be found in certain stores, where the sale of CBD is legal.


Can CBD Provide Relief?

CBD is believed to assist with joint discomfort, which is often an unfortunate side effect of growing older.

The above shows that CBD, although not as tested as other drugs, does have a valid potential to assist in providing relief from age-related aches and pains.


The Brand Matters

It is an unfortunate truth that not all cannabis brands care as much for the safety and well-being of their customers as other brands do. Some brands don’t do lab tests of their CBD, meaning that THC could very well slip into the mixture. 

FGE is one particular brand that does official lab tests of their gummies. They offer a certain sweetness that ensures a great taste that isn’t medicinal. Although the holiday season is still a couple of months away, it’s never too early to start researching and finding a great gift for a loved one.


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